Search Results - hardware%2c+circuits+%26+sensors

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Hybrid halide perovskite field-effect transistors
Invention SummaryThis technology focuses on the development of the first halide organic-inorganic hybrid perovskite field-effect transistor (FET). These transistors are often employed to amplify the strength of a relatively weak signal. The current runs along a semiconductor channel and the electrical diameter of the channel is altered based on the...
Published: 12/10/2019   |   Inventor(s): Zeev (valy) Vardeny, Chuang Zhang, Yaochuan Mei, Oana Jurchescu
Keywords(s): Hardware, Circuits & Sensors, Semiconductors
Category(s): Hardware, Circuits & Sensors, Semiconductors
Flux Switched Permanent Magnet Variable Field Generator
Invention SummaryThis technology is a portable platform for generating a variable magnetic field for use with a portable Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) system. The design is optimized for generating strong electric fields for improved sensitivity, as well as a variable field, allowing the NMR system to be used for identification of different classes...
Published: 10/25/2019   |   Inventor(s): James Stephenson, Bruce Gale, Cynthia Furse
Keywords(s): Hardware, Circuits & Sensors, Instrumentation, Materials and Mining, Mechanical Engineering
Category(s): Hardware, Circuits & Sensors, Instrumentation
On Chip Film Bulk Acoustic Resonator (FBAR)
Invention SummaryA simple fabrication process for increasing the power density of power converters, while maintaining the electromagnetic interference (EMI) at a minimum, has been developed and is available for licensing. A film bulk acoustic resonator (FBAR) is a device consisting of a piezoelectric material sandwiched between two electrodes and acoustically...
Published: 11/21/2019   |   Inventor(s): Faisal Habib Khan, Abu Saleh Mohammad Imtiaz
Keywords(s): Hardware, Circuits & Sensors, Semiconductors
Category(s): Hardware, Circuits & Sensors, Semiconductors
Statistical Methods for Soft Detection in Multiuser and Multiple Antenna Communication Systems
Invention SummaryA key benefit of MIMO systems is the ability to simultaneously transmit multiple quadrature amplitude modulated (QAM) symbols through a multitude of antennas. The multiple symbols constitute multidimensional symbols that each carry a large number of information bits, typically 10 to 50. Detection of these symbols involves a decision-making...
Published: 2/20/2020   |   Inventor(s): Behrouz Farhang, Haidong Zhu, Zhenning Shi
Keywords(s): Communications & Networks, Hardware, Circuits & Sensors
Category(s): Communications & Networks, Hardware, Circuits & Sensors
Multi-coil Device for Wireless Data and Power Transfer
Three and Four Coil Systems for Power and Data Telemetry in Implantable DevicesUniversity Reference Number: U-5026Invention SummaryThe technology is a method for increasing the efficiency of implantable devices in terms of both data transfer (bandwidth) and battery life. This is achieved by increasing the number of coils from two to three (in the case...
Published: 2/14/2020   |   Inventor(s): Gianluca Lazzi, Anil Kumar Ram Rakhyani
Keywords(s): Communications & Networks, Hardware, Circuits & Sensors
Category(s): Hardware, Circuits & Sensors, Communications & Networks
Rotationally Diverse Antennas
Invention SummaryState-of-the-art wireless communication antenna systems lose significant signal strength when users move their device through a wide range of typical orientations. Rotationally diverse antennas solve this problem by improving signal strengths by 8 dB on average or 30 dB at a 90% reliability level. These benefits lead to savings in transmission...
Published: 2/20/2020   |   Inventor(s): David Landon, Cynthia Furse
Keywords(s): Communications & Networks, Electrical Engineering, Hardware, Circuits & Sensors
Category(s): Hardware, Circuits & Sensors, Communications & Networks
Stereo Acoustic Echo Cancellation
Invention SummaryStereophonic acoustic echo cancellers often suffer from slow convergence and large deviation of echo canceller tap weights from their true values (misalignment). Both of these happen because of significant correlations among signals in the acoustic paths. Non-linearity effects are usually introduced to reduce such correlations and thereby...
Published: 2/24/2020   |   Inventor(s): Behrouz Farhang, Harsha I.k. Rao
Keywords(s): Electrical Engineering, Hardware, Circuits & Sensors, Signal Processing
Category(s): Signal Processing, Hardware, Circuits & Sensors
Optical Pyrometer Pressure Testing Station
Invention Summary: Currently optical/laser profilometers do not have the ability to apply pressure or vacuum to individual devices or wafers. While laser interferometers are used to measure the overall deflection of diaphragms in pressure sensors, they only provide point measurements on the diaphragm and are susceptible to large error. This technology...
Published: 3/24/2020   |   Inventor(s): Michael Orthner, Florian Solzbacher, Loren Rieth
Keywords(s): Electrical Engineering, Hardware, Circuits & Sensors, Instrumentation, Materials and Mining
Category(s): Hardware, Circuits & Sensors, Instrumentation
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